Equip, Educate and Profile
- Lesson plans-structure teaching-learning process (teach-learn-practice-assess-evulate-profile)
- Unique training and teaching-learning tool(TTLT)
- Structured lesson / session wise unique digital teaching-learning presentation videos
- Tool to train and handhold teachers with right pedagogy for concept formation and skill development in real-time
- Classroom resources-Subject wise and lesson wise (for visual association) Pictorial cards
- Posters, story cards and manipulatives
- Concept charts and Mind maps
- Subject vocabulary chart
- Charts on skills and values
- Tech Tools (Communication, co-ordination, assignment exchange, online teaching, digital teaching learning resources, customer association and many more)
- Assessment resources
- Formative assessments I-IV (soft copy)
- Summative assessments I & II ( hard copy)
- Process tools (to measure and profile)
Value Creation
- Lesson profile to share progress
- Child profile to report performance
- Training to orient parent
- Marketing tools